Guidelines for Student Conduct

Guidelines Governing Student Conduct While on СѼ ISD СѼ Buses   

Students riding or waiting on an AISD school bus is under the supervision of the СѼ schools the same as if they are in the school building or on the school grounds, and therefore, are subject to the district's student disciplinary policies. Families are encouraged to discuss with their students the information below, including the consequences for rule violations.

Behavior Rules: Respect Self, Others and Property

  • For the safety of everyone, behave appropriately with no loud noises.
  • Cooperate with the bus driver and others.
  • Enter and exit the bus in an orderly fashion.
  • Transportation employees have the authority to assign seats at any time.
  • Stay in your assigned seat, facing forward.
  • Keep hands, head and feet inside the bus.
  • Do not drop or throw objects inside or outside the bus. 
  • Do not eat or drink, except water, while on the bus.
  • Do not litter on the bus.
  • No inappropriate language.
  • No weapons, alcohol or drugs, including tobacco.
  • No physical or verbal altercations.
  • No skateboards
  • Buckle up at all times

Consequences for Violations

If any of the above student behavior rules are broken, the bus driver will make a referral of the violation to the principal and the following disciplinary action will be taken.

  1. First violation: Principal or assistant principal will conference with student. Suspension from the bus may occur with this violation. Parents or guardians will be notified.
  2. Second violation: Student will be suspended from the bus for three school days. Parents or guardian will be notified.
  3. Third violation: Student will be suspended from the bus for an extended period of time until agreement can be reached between parents, guardians, administrator, bus driver, transportation supervisor and student.

Serious offenses will receive disciplinary measures, up to and including removal to an alternative education program and /or expulsion from school.  Each case, however, will be judged separately and may warrant discipline of a type different from another case. 

Families' Responsibilities

  • Read and discuss with students the responsibilities, rules and violation consequences covered above.
  • Inform students of the location of bus stop, time and to wait in a single-file line.
  • Require students to arrive five minutes prior to scheduled time and to conduct themselves appropriately on school buses.
  • Support school officials in their efforts to operate a safe and efficient transportation system.

IMPORTANT: Families are responsible for providing transportation for students to attend school during suspension from the bus. This is not a suspension from class. If student does not attend school after suspension from the bus, the absence is unexcused.

Drivers' Responsibilities

  • Be on the bus to supervise the daily boarding and de-boarding of students and follow campus procedure.
  • During orientation or within the first two weeks of school, discuss safety, evacuation procedures and guidelines governing student conduct on AISD school buses with students.
  • After the first verbal warning to a student, write a referral for any subsequent violations and give to a school official and to the transportation department.
  • Assign seats, maintain a current seating chart and give a copy to school official and to the transportation department.
  • Call the dispatcher for any needed guidance.

Principals' Responsibilities

  • Inform families and students of school bus rules and consequences of violations.
  • Investigate all complaints and referrals and designate a box for returning answers to the referrals to drivers. (Do not mail to the main transportation office)
  • Confer with students, families and bus driver when appropriate.
  • Be present or appoint a designated representative to be at the campus loading zone during arrival and departure times.
  • Meet with the drivers at the beginning of each school year and as needed throughout the year to discuss loading procedures, safety concerns, discipline procedures, etc.
  • Maintain in the school office current schedules and rider information of all buses assigned to the campus. This information should be current by the end of the first week of school.
  • Provide students with auxiliary rider forms as needed.