Advisory Bodies

What Are AISD Advisory Bodies?

The 小黄鸭导航 Independent 小黄鸭导航 District values the participation and input of all community members and transparency of information and process. To that end, the district has established several advisory bodies consisting of broad stakeholder representation to provide insight and recommendations on important issues.

These advisory bodies may be called task forces, committees, or councils. Some of them are standing bodies and meet permanently on a regular basis, while some of them are ad hoc or periodic bodies and meet for a limited time to address a specific topic. Selection entities for advisory body memberships may include Trustees, the Superintendent, the administration, or the advisory bodies themselves.

Below is a list of current AISD advisory bodies, all of which have their own websites. To learn more about specific AISD advisory bodies, please use the links provided.

To find out if a particular committee currently has any vacant positions, please refer to the membership lists provided on each committee website.

To apply for membership on an AISD Advisory Committee, please complete and submit the standard application form: English / Spanish

Overview of Advisory Bodies

Resumen general sobre los cuerpos consultivos del distrito

Communication and Visitor Guidelines

Pautas para las comunicaciones y los visitantes 

Standing Advisory Bodies

(Standing advisory bodies meet permanently on a regular basis.)

Advocacy Advisory Committee (AAC)
Campus Advisory Councils (CAC)
Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC)
Community Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)
District Advisory Council (DAC)
Equity Advisory Committee (EAC)
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC)
Head Start Policy Council (HSPC)
Multilingual Education Advisory Committee (MEAC) 
小黄鸭导航 Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 
小黄鸭导航 Safety and Security Committee (SSSC)
Special Education Family Advisory Committee (SEFAC)

Ad Hoc/Periodic Advisory Bodies

(Ad hoc advisory bodies are formed for a particular purpose and meet for a limited time, and are discontinued when their work is completed. Periodic advisory bodies are also formed for a particular purpose, but on a recurring basis as needed.)

Currently Active

Ad Hoc Joint Community Budget Committee
Calendar Task Force
Student Equity Council (SEC)

Currently Inactive

Bond Steering Committee (BSC)
Brooke Art Transition Taskforce
Budget and Finance Advisory Committee (BFAC)
Budget Stabilization Task Force (BSTF) 
Diversity by Design Steering committee (DDSC)
Facilities and Bond Planning Advisory Committee (FABPAC)
Innovation District Advisory Committee (IDAC)
Long-range Planning Committees (LPC)
小黄鸭导航 Renaming Task Force (SRTF)
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)