Your Well-Being is Our Priority

С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD is committed to investing in the health and well-being of its greatest assets—its employees.

As part of this commitment, the district offers a comprehensive and competitive benefits package to our employees and their families so that they are empowered to live healthy, balanced and fulfilling lives. 

Are you ready to explore your new 2025 Benefits Package?


The key to healthy living is understanding and taking control of your own health. Get started today by learning about the many benefits available to you at AISD! 

If you have a question or concern, you can count on support from knowledgeable and helpful benefits staff members. Please call the AISD Benefits Information Line at 512-414-2297, from 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To update or change your enrollment mid-year because of a qualifying event such as a marriage, birth, death, change in employee status for you, your spouse or dependents, log in to  and select the "Make a Change to My Benefits" button. 

If you need assistance with the event or have questions about the documentation requirements, please contact the AISD Employee Benefits Office at 512-414-2297. All enrollment or enrollment changes must be completed within 31 days of a qualifying event. 

A qualifying life event is an increase or decrease in dependents or a change in immediate family’s insurance eligibility status. QLEs must be submitted within 31 calendar days of the qualifying event date.

Qualifying Event

Supporting Documentation

Dependent Documentation


Marriage license

Birth certificates are required if adding spouse’s children as dependents.


Death certificate

No additional documentation required.


Certified copy of divorce decree

Birth certificates are required if adding children not currently enrolled in benefits.


  • Placement for adoption paperwork or

  • Legal documentation of the adoption

No additional documentation required.


  • Birth certificate or

  • Verification of birth facts issued by hospital

No additional documentation required.

Change of spouse employment

Proof of enrollment or termination of benefit coverage from spouse’s employer. Proof must contain effective or termination dates of coverage, type of coverage (medical, dental, vision), and the names of the dependents affected.

  • Adding spouse – Marriage license and a bill under spouse’s name or first page of current year’s tax return

  • Adding children – Birth certificate or first page of current year’s tax return

Loss or gain of coverage

Other than employment change

Voluntary cancellation of COBRA is not an event.

Proof of enrollment or termination of benefit coverage, e.g., Medicare or Medicaid. Proof must contain effective or termination dates of coverage, type of coverage (medical, dental, vision), and the names of the dependents affected.

  • Adding spouse – Marriage license and a bill under spouse’s name or first page of current year’s tax return

  • Adding children – Birth certificate or first page of current year’s tax return

Leave of absence or return from inactive status

  • HR status updates – internal documentation




BlueCross BlueShield of Texas -
Policy # 392418
Pharmacy BlueCross BlueShield of Texas -
Policy # 392418
Telehealth Virtual Visits MDLive 888-680-8646
Dental Cigna - Policy # 3346339 800-Cigna24
Vision Community Eye Care (CEC) - Policy # AUSTNISD01 888-254-4290
Life & AD&D, Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Sun Life Financial: #911763  800-247-6875

Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) HSA Bank 833-223-5604
Voluntary Benefits:
Critical Illness
Hospital Indemnity
Accident Policy: #530206
Cancer, Critical Illness &
Hospital Indemnity Policy: #530206
Employee Assistant Program (EAP) Revive 833-777-6545
Teacher Retirement System TRS 800-223-8778
403B/457B Plans Trusted Capital Group 800-943-9179
Pet Insurance Spot Pet Insurance 800-905-1595


Contact the Benefits & Leave Office

512-414-2297 • •