Having the appropriate digital tools is essential for a child’s learning journey. That’s why we’re happy to partner with our community to equip families with the proper supporting resources.
Technology Integration is focused on enabling teachers and students to engage in personalized learning experiences through the thoughtful implementation of technology including devices and digital instructional tools.
Learn more about some of the digital resources available for our AISD students, families and staff below.
Digital Resources for All Students / Todos los estudiantes

Tech Tutorial Videos
Essential How-Tos for students at the beginning of the year
VÃdeos tutoriales de tecnologÃa
GuÃas básicas esenciales para los estudiantes al principio del año

Approved Software
Explains how С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD technology protects students and upholds law requirements

BLEND / Canvas
An introduction to BLEND (Canvas) and a parent tour
BLEND / Canvas (ESP)
Una introducción a Blend y un recorrido para padres

Devices & Browsers
Guides for С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD devices and preferred browsers that support student learning
Dispositivos y navegador de internet
GuÃas para usar dispositivos de С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD y navegadores preferidos que apoyan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes

Digital Citizenship
Internet safety skills and how to interact online are taught to encourage healthy and safe digital habits.
CiudadanÃa Digital
Las destrezas de seguridad en Internet y se enseña cómo interactúan en lÃnea para fomentar hábitos digitales saludables y seguros.

Student Devices
Agreement of the Responsible Use Policy of student assigned devices
Dispositivos para estudiantes
Acuerdo de polÃtica de uso responsable de los dispositivos asignados a los estudiantes
Digital Resources For All | Back to Top
Community / Cumunidad

Project Lighthouse
Community updates about partnership to construct and maintain monopoles on campuses. This partnership unlocks funding and new opportunities for the district to provide and sustain internet connectivity for students.
Proyecto Lighthouse
Actualizaciones de la comunidad sobre una alianza para construir y mantener monopolos en los campuses. Esta alianza libera fondos y nuevas oportunidades para que el distrito proporcione y conserve la conectividad a internet para los estudiantes.

Resources for Internet Access
Where to find free wifi with public internet access and home internet access programs
Recursos para el acceso a la Internet
Dónde encontrar wifi gratuito con acceso público a Internet y programas de acceso a Internet residencia