
Winn Montessori С»ÆѼµ¼º½ is С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD's premier Montessori campus offering students authentic, high-quality instruction with trained Montessori staff. Students lead their own learning in multi-age classrooms, supported by certified classroom guides and assistants. Using a time-tested teaching practice and curriculum, students at Winn Montessori reach their academic and developmental potential leading to a joyful life! Winn Montessori is open to transfers and transportation is available for qualifying students. Also available at the campus are full-day Pre-K for ages three and four, a two-way dual language program, free Boys and Girls Club after-school program for first through fifth graders, and С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD's Third Base after-school care program on-site for ages PK3 through Upper Elementary.

Marshall Middle С»ÆѼµ¼º½* for 6th grade only 2023-24 С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Year

* Choice С»ÆѼµ¼º½s: Marshall, Gus Garcia and Bertha Sadler Means

See Marshall's page for more information about middle school enrollment.

La Escuela Winn Montessori es el principal plantel Montessori de С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD que ofrece a los estudiantes instrucción auténtica y de alta calidad con personal capacitado en Montessori. Los estudiantes lideran su propio aprendizaje en salones con variedad de edades, con el apoyo de guías y asistentes de salones certificados. ¡Con el uso de una práctica de enseñanza y un plan de estudios comprobados con el tiempo, los estudiantes de Winn Montessori alcanzan su potencial académico y de desarrollo que los lleva a una trayectoria feliz! Winn Montessori acepta transferencias y el transporte está disponible para los estudiantes que cumplan con los requisitos. En el plantel también están disponibles Pre-K de día completo para niños de tres y cuatro años; programas de lenguaje dual, programa extracurricular gratuito, Boys and Girls Club para estudiantes de 1° a 5° grado y un programa extracurricular basado en la matrícula administrado por el plantel para PreK y Kindergarten.

This feeder pattern represents the path students take as they advance to high school. Each child's exact path is determined by his or her home address. To find out where your child will attend, click on the school finder below the feeder pattern.

Signature Programs

Student & Family Supports

Performance | Demographics

2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above

2022 Accountability

As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.

Accountability Rating: Not Rated: SB 1365

Student Achievement: Not Rated: SB 1365

С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Progress: C

Closing the Gaps: Not Rated: SB 1365


2023-24 Student Demographics