Foreign Exchange Program

Welcome to С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Independent С»ÆѼµ¼º½ District!

We are thrilled to have you as part of our community through the Foreign Exchange Program. We value the diversity and cultural exchange that you bring to our schools. As you embark on this exciting journey, please review our Foreign Exchange Student Program Guidelines: All foreign exchange organizations shall meet the requirements of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel. Visit to obtain the latest information. We look forward to supporting you as you engage in learning and building lasting connections. Welcome aboard!

С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD has had the pleasure of hosting foreign exchange students from the countries of Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Map of all the countries of provenance of the foreign exchange students С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD has hosted.


Our Foreign Exchange Application will stay open April 1 – August 1 of each year.

In order to submit the completed application, please be prepared to complete the following steps below (click to expand sections)

  • Organization Request for Participation*
  • Host Family Compliance Agreement*
  • Waiver of Intent to Pursue a Texas High С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Diploma*
  • Copy of Student’s Official Immunization Records (translated)
  • Copy of Student's Official Transcript (translated)
  • Copy of Student's Birth Certificate or Passport

*These forms are located in the С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD Foreign Exchange Program Guidelines.

Once you receive the notification of approval, the host family and the foreign exchange student must report to the С»ÆѼµ¼º½ ISD administration office at 4000 S. I-35, С»ÆѼµ¼º½, TX, to obtain AISD Guardianship for the purpose of enrollment.

Once approved, the host family must complete Enroll С»ÆѼµ¼º½ to complete the enrollment process of the foreign exchange student.