Average ACT composite score at all-time high for district
AUSTIN, Texas—Students in СѼ ISD continue to earn higher overall scores on the SAT and ACT exams, compared with their counterparts across the state and nation, according to the College Board and ACT, Inc.
“Preparing СѼ students to graduate college ready is among our top priorities at AISD,” AISD Interim Superintendent Dr. Paul Cruz said. “An increase in SAT and ACT scores, as well as higher participation in taking these exams, shows we are making progress."
The average overall SAT scores for AISD students was 1507, compared with 1497 nationally and 1432 statewide. The average ACT composite score for AISD students was 21.9, exceeding the state (20.9) and national (21.0) average composite scores. AISD’s average ACT composite score increased from the prior year, while average composite scores at the state and national levels remained stable.
The district’s average ACT composite score and subject area scores in English, math, reading and science exceeded the state and national averages.
More AISD students participated in the SAT exam with a total of 2,801 tests taken, compared with the ACT total of 1,499. However, AISD students’ participation in ACT testing continued to increase in 2014 compared with participation in prior years.
Average student scores on almost every SAT and ACT subject area also exceeded state and national averages, except AISD’s average SAT writing score of 481, which was slightly lower than the national average of 487 and was clearly above the state average of 461. AISD average scores on each ACT subject area test increased from the past year, while scores at the state and national levels remained stable.
As depicted in the 2014 ACT/SAT figures, AISD students who self-categorized themselves as Hispanic, White, two or more races or other had greater average composite scores, than did their peers at the state and national levels. African-American students exceeded the SAT state and national average composite scores. In addition, African American students exceeded the average composite ACT score at the national level.
In 2014, AISD had greater percentages of students who were college ready, compared with percentages at the state and nation levels, in math, reading and science, and across all four subjects, according to ACT’s Graduating Class 2014 District Profile Report. Students who meet college-readiness benchmarks on their ACT exams are more likely to earn credit in corresponding credit-bearing college courses than those not earning the benchmark scores, according to ACT.
The SAT and ACT are national exams often used in the college admissions process. High school students generally take these exams during their junior or senior year of high school. The SAT is an assessment of critical reading, mathematical reasoning and writing skills. The SAT score range is 200 to 800 points for each subtest. A perfect SAT score is 2400. The ACT test includes the following subject area tests: English, mathematics, reading and scientific reasoning. A perfect ACT score is 36.
To learn more about the SAT and ACT test results for AISD students in 2013-14, please read the full reports online at .