Media Advisory: Anderson High СѼ Hosts СѼ Robot Roundup, First Robotics Competition

AUSTIN, Texas—This weekend, СѼ ISD’s Anderson High СѼ is hosting СѼ Robot Roundup, First Robotics Competition to showcase local robotic designs.

What: Robotics teams from Anderson, Eastside Memorial, LASA, Akins, Westlake, Westwood, Round Rock and Manor Tech will compete and collaborate locally before competing at the state level.

When: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15

Where: Anderson High СѼ cafeteria, 8403 Mesa Drive

Background: This event represents the six-week point and the last weekend prior to “Bag Day,” when area robotics teams must seal their robots and stop working on them before competing. The robotics field is 27 feet by 54 feet and this year’s competition has robots propelling 24 inch rubber balls 10 feet into the air to attempt making the ball go into the goal. The event is free.

For more information, please contact Beth Rowan at