AISD will celebrate Youth Art Month from March 23 to April 16, by displaying more than 1,500 works of art by students from 111 elementary, middle and high schools at One Congress Plaza, 111 Congress Ave. The gallery will be on display from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Thomas Properties Group, an AISD Art Program sponsor, has generously donated their space for the district's yearly art show.
Parents, students, teachers and art lovers from all walks of С»ÆѼµ¼º½ life, will gather to view this once a year exhibit. Painting, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, collage, weaving, ceramics, photography, jewelry and electronic media will amaze visitors to the show.
Youth Art Month also will be celebrated with 10 billboards based on a design by Bowie 10th grader Julia Lund (right) that will be displayed throughout the city to promote the gallery. Cunningham Elementary art student, Duy Ho, also designed this year's art t-shirts featuring the theme "Art Makes Waves!" These t-shirts have been sold in schools. to read the Superintendent's Blog about Youth Art Month.
A reception will be held from 1 to 3 p.m., Sunday, March 25. Refreshments will be provided and free parking will be available in One Congress Plaza parking garage. Don't miss out on the opportunity to view wonderful pieces of art by С»ÆѼµ¼º½ students!
For more information about the art show and reception, please contact Kristen Marstaller, AISD Fine Arts Coordinator at 414-4730, or by email at
VIDEO: AISD Student Art Show
Background: The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills art strands that include perception, response/evaluation, creative expression and history and culture will ensure an exhibit that shines in quality and variety. By studying art styles from pre-historic to modern times, AISD students have incorporated art history into their own cultural and personal style. Students have learned to express themselves and their traditions and invent beauty through their art creations.