AISD Educators Named Finalists for H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards

Three AISD educators have been named finalists for the 2012 H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards, the largest monetary awards program for educators in Texas. Blaine Helwig of Graham Elementary was honored as a principal finalist and received a $1,000 check for himself and a $2,500 check for the campus. Teachers Angela Buckingham of Reagan High С»ÆѼµ¼º½ and Elaine Leibick (right), of Highland Park Elementary were surprised earlier this week with $1,000 checks for themselves and $1,000 checks for their schools. H-E-B selected AISD's outstanding finalists from thousands of applicants across the state. to watch video of the surprise announcement.

H-E-B launched the Excellence in Education Awards program in cooperation with the Texas Association of С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Administrators in 2002 as a positive way to support public education in Texas. A major goal of the Excellence in Education awards is to make a statement about the great things going on in Texas public schools — to spotlight best practices and to celebrate the work of Texas educators.

to learn more about the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards.