AISD has been awarded a $320,000 grant to implement Fuel Up to Play 60, a fun and interactive in-school nutrition and physical activity program, in all of the district's elementary schools. С»ÆѼµ¼º½ elementary schools were selected from among hundreds of schools across the country that applied for funding to help them jumpstart and sustain healthy eating and physical activity improvements.
Funding for this competitive program is provided by Dairy MAX (the regional arm of the National Dairy Council) and America’s dairy farmers. Fuel Up to Play 60 was designed to engage and empower youth to take action for their own health and uses the power of collaboration to help make everyone at the school healthier by fueling up with nutrient-rich foods and being active for 60 minutes or more a day.
This nationwide funding program will offer each school up to $4,000 to help them increase awareness of and access to nutrient-rich foods and physical activity opportunities for students. The elementary schools are a part of a district-wide implementation to address Coordinated С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Health requirements, which involve increased physical education and physical activity time, health education, nutrition education as well as parent and community involvement.
By teaming up with Fuel Up to Play 60, all of AISD's elementary schools are addressing the goals of the Coordinated С»ÆѼµ¼º½ Health program and expanding on the Active Play Project.
This grant will also allow schools to:
• expand the physical activity playground stencils through all elementary schools;
• support students in engaging in physical activity and nutrition;
• empower students to influence their peers in engaging in physical activity and healthy eating; and
• create fun and excitement around healthy eating and physical activity.
More than 70,000 schools nationwide are participating in Fuel Up to Play 60 to increase student access to nutrient-rich foods and physical activity.
Join the movement and learn more at .
Background: Fuel Up to Play 60 was launched by National Dairy Council® (NDC) and the National Football League (NFL). The U.S. Department of Agriculture has joined the effort to provide youth with concrete opportunities to improve healthy eating and physical activity. The program extends the NFL's commitment to making the next generation of youth the most active and healthy by tapping the power of its teams, players and NFL PLAY 60 programming to add recognition and value for students. Fuel Up to Play 60 capitalizes on NDC's trusted relationships with schools through decades of supplying science-based nutrition information and education materials.