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Amend last meeting minutes to include Dora Fabelo at last meeting. Public Comments: Michele Cardenas addressed the committee. She stated that Eanes, Manor, and Lake Travis are starting early than the state allowed. She is concerned that school districts will start earlier and earlier due to try to get more days of instruction before testing. She expressed that classrooms should have certified teachers because students may misbehave even in classrooms that they like. She is worried that half days would not be possible because of transportation issues. She also expressed that the website for District of Innovation is confusing and the flow-chart on the site is difficult to follow. Meeting Discussion: Raul Sanchez discussed meeting outcomes and timeline. Discussed 11.251, 11.252, and 11.253 related to District and Campus planning and decision making process. One committee member expressed that the CAC should still exist, but that the membership should be more flexible. Another member said that when you say exemption, it feels like it doesnt exist anymore. A member said that a campus would still have to go through a process to get approved. It was expressed that a campus principal might get on a power trip and select people who will approve the agenda. It was asked for a show of hands for those who oppose. Amir Emamian motioned to not include in the plan. Arthur Thompson seconded. The motion passed. These exemptions will not be included in the plan Discussed 21.002 related to teacher contracts. Feedback was reviewed as this provision could impact the hiring of CTE teachers. It was discussed that the administration may not need this exemption because we already can hire teachers without a contract or provide teachers with a local contract for certain positions. Amir Emamian motioned, Enrique Trejo seconded to not include this exemption. The motion passed. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussed 11.255 related to dropout prevention review. A committee member said that the board has to make policy. Board policies are often the barrier, and perhaps this is a way to go around the board. Exemptions should be focused on what is best for students. It looks like possibly district policy is more of the barrier than the state. But then the board is put in a difficult place because they have to create a policy for the entire district per state law. A committee member expressed that the exemptions we are discussing is not going to help the district compete with charters. Angela Salas motion to remove this exemption from the plan. Danny Ramos seconded. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion 20.003, 21.044, 21.053 as related to teacher certification. It was discussed that teaching is more about people skills than knowledge. One member talked to a CTE director and the exemption would be for hard to staff areas. Some of the hard to fill positions hurt students because its hard to find teachers who are willing to leave their fields in order to become teachers. One member suggested that the district look at backgrounds of current teachers and build those skills within. Another member said that a person would have to have an industry certification that is hard to get for a person who is a full-time teacher. Another committee member suggested the exemption be narrow for CTE High СѼ courses only. Jarrad Toussant moved to include exemption specific to CTE courses at the high school grade level. Mike Cranor seconded. Motion passes. Amend motion to include Tech Apps in the exemption. Anthony seconded amendment. Approved as amended. These exemptions will be included in the plan. Discussion of 21.0031 and 21.053 related to presentation of certifications for those teachers as part of the 20.003 exemption. Enrique Trejo moved to include exemptions. Mike Cranor seconded. These exemptions will be included in the plan. Discussion 21.051 as related to field-based experiences. Discussion around that teachers need some level of training. Ken Zarafis motioned to not include in plan. Mario Pina seconded. Motion approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion 21.057 as related to parental notification. Jarrad motioned and Josephine seconded to not include in plan. Motion approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion of 21.351, 21.352, 21.354, 25.3541 about appraisal. Discussion of local appraisal system PPft and outline of the program. It was discussed that we would like to be exempt from having to seek a waiver each year for our local appraisal system. It was discussed to table this for next time after we get clarification from EQ about whether we need this waiver. No decision made to include or not include in the plan. Discussion 21.401, 21.402 around length of contracts. Districts who are using it are lengthening the school day and therefore teachers are working longer days, but then would work less days overall. Ken Zarafis motioned to not include in plan. Mario Pina seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion 21.404 around planning and preparation. Asking for this exemption would remove the floor for campus planning time. Ken Zarafis motioned to not include in plan. Mario Pina seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion of 21.404 around duty free lunch. Amir Emamian motion to exclude exemption from the plan. Arthur Thompson seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion of 21.4021, 21.4022 as related to furloughs. Jarrad Toussant voted to not include. Mike Cranor second. Motion was approved. These exemptions will not be included in the plan. Discussion 21.415 related to employment contracts. Angela Salas motions to not include. Jarrad Toussant seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion 21.451 related to Professional Development. Enrique Trejo moved to not include in plan. Danny Rubio seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussion 21.458 related to mentors was discussed last time and it will not be included in the plan. Discussion 25.081 related to the operation of schools was discussed last time and was approved to be included in the plan. Discussion 25.0811 discussion of first day of instruction. It was pointed out that this one would allow for more flexibility. It was said pointed out that this should be district-wide calendar. Discussion surrounded about confusion parents might have with schools starting at different times, but others pointed out that it provided options for families. Lauren Sicarelli moved to include in the plan. Beth Newton seconded the motion. Motion was approved. This exemption will be included in the plan. Discussion 25.0812 around last day of school. Amir Emamian moved to include in the plan. Angela Salas seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will be included in the plan. Future Agenda Items: The committee will continue to discuss exemptions to include in the Innovation Plan. Future Meetings Time/Place: Wednesday, February 15 at Baker from 5:30-8:30. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m )*+6@FGHIJKLMNOPQSTUVź{l]{N{?{?{NhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJh-oy5CJ\^JaJhjeLCJ^JaJhh-oyhujhjeLhjeLUhjeLCJ(^JaJ(h5CJ(\^JaJ(hjeLCJOJPJQJaJjhjeLUmHnHuhjeLCJ aJ *G^jklm}uu`$d]^a$gdjeL d8gdjeL d~gdjeL$  d] ^ a$gdjeL$ d] ^a$gdjeL$ d] ^a$gdjeL$\d]\^a$gdjeLb d]^b gdjeL d gdjeL VWXYZ[\]^cijkmnpqrstuvwyz{|}歠󚏇xkx\Mk\xkxkxkhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeLCJaJhjeLhjeLCJ aJ hjeL^JhwL5CJ\^JaJhjeLCJ^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJ hjeL5@CJRHc\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5CJ\^JaJh-oy5CJ\^JaJ}~ d e f x y z d~ gdjeLd]^dgdjeLd]^dgdjeL d$gdjeLdd]^dgdjeL d8gdjeL d gdjeL}~ , ? 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