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Public Comments: There were no public comments. Meeting Discussion: New members were introduced and new district staff were introduced. Joey Crumley spoke on charter schools and the impact on student enrollment for СѼ ISD. He explained that half left the district due to a change in residence and half moved due to dissatisfaction with the district. Committee asked a question about whether charter schools can turn down students. Joey Crumley explained that charter schools can not turn down students, however they may decide not to accept students due to disciplinary issues or withdraw enrollment due to excessive absences. Dr. Cruz thanked committee members for being a part of the committee. He explained that the district has seen improved graduation rates, and that there are still some things the district would like to do. This is an opportunity for us to continue to improve. He explained that he has met with district staff who have expressed a desire for some autonomy to be able to support their students. Rachel Naugle delivered a presentation on the various reinvention projects AISD is planning. She also provided some possible Texas Education Code exemptions that could support the implementation of the various projects. The committee broke up into three subcommittees: Group 1 focused on innovations and challenges related to staff development and campus & district operations. Group members read through some of thefeedback/input forms. On the forms reviewed, most of the feedback suggested a need for additional time for quality staff development and additional time for teachers to plan and prepare. This led the group to a discussion about possibleadjustments to the start and end day for the school year, the start and end time for the school day, and extending the number of days to gain a day for staff development or time for planning and preparation. Questions were raised about how transportation, food service, and ADA funding could be impacted by possible adjustments. The group did not get to finish reading all input/feedback forms, but plans to do this and continue discussion at the next meeting. Group two had a lengthy discussion on the proposed exemption of Texas Education Code (TEC) Section 37.0012 which requires a local education agency (or school) to designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator. Under the TEC each campus must have an administrator who is responsible for maintaining student discipline and the implementation of the student code of conduct set forth by the district. Mr. Sanchez shared that this requirement constrains campus/ district governance because it mainstreams district personnel to take a more punitive approach rather than promote a more collaborative discipline program that includes social emotional learning and restorative justice practices that AISD is focusing on to develop students character and responsibility. Some group members shared that although they can see how AISD can be constricted by this TEC designation, AISD schools are not required to take on punitive steps to address discipline, so they questioned the need to necessitate such an exemption. Other members weighed into the discussion citing that district and national data shows that there is an over representation of African American and Hispanic students who are being displaced from schools and classrooms and they are also referred to alternative school settings in greater numbers than their counterparts. Consequently, the group took no action and tabled this proposal pending AISD discipline data and input from the district experts in discipline. This item was tabled for our next meeting. Group 3 focused on innovations related to academic programs. Specifically, the group discussed internships and the 90% rule for attendance. Committee members were excited about opportunities for secondary students to receive training on coding by local businesses who could then hire the students after graduation. The group also discussed flexible scheduling to provide more time for teachers to collaborate and receive professional development during the school day. The group examined the need for certified teachers in the classroom when students were taking OnRamps (dual credit) courses since students had access to their college professor for assistance. It was suggested that the room could be supervised by highly qualified paraprofessionals. It was clarified that students taking other online courses where they may need immediate assistance on coursework (such as credit recovery classes) would still have a certified teacher. Future Agenda Items: The committee will continue their work in small groups. Future Meetings Time/Place: Wednesday, January 25 at Reagan High СѼ Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. )*+@FGHIKLMNOPQSTUVXYź}n_PP_}hjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5CJ\^JaJhjeLCJ^JaJhhujhjeLhjeLUhjeLCJ(^JaJ(h5CJ(\^JaJ(hjeLCJOJPJQJaJjhjeLUmHnHuhjeLCJ aJ *G^qrstuu`$d]^a$gdjeL d8gdjeL d~gdjeL$  d] ^ a$gdjeL$ d] ^a$gdjeL$ d] ^a$gdjeL$\d]\^a$gdjeLb d]^b gdjeL d gdjeL YZ[\]^pqrtuwxyz{|}~ɼxix^NhF"hjeL5>*\^JwhhjeLhjeLCJ aJ hjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeLCJaJhjeLhjeLCJ aJ hjeL^Jhu5CJ\^JaJhjeLCJ^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5CJ\^JaJ hjeL5@CJRHc\^JaJ* + M N O d~ gdjeLd]^dgdjeLd]^dgdjeL d$gdjeLdd]^dgdjeL d8gdjeL d gdjeL   * + K ` o x ) * + 0 2 S  L M N O _ ` ~ ¼׼zqhg^JwhhF"hs]^JwhhF"hf>*^JwhhF"hF8^JhF8hF8^J hF8>*^JhF8hF8>*^J hjeL^J hF8^JhF"hF"^J hnK^J h%^J ha^J hu}^JhF"hjeL>*^Jwh hF"hjeLhF"hjeL^J*O  QR/0abKLM dgd>dgd!K dgd{ d$gdjeLdd]^dgdjeLdd]^dgd2d~   PQbLZttJKL}j]V hjeLh{ h{ h{ OJPJQJ$hJB*PJfHphq $haB*PJfHphq h!Kh!K$h{ B*PJfHphq *h{ h{ B*PJfHphq h{ hjeLhF8hjeL@2^J hjeL^JhF"h>*^JwhhF"hZY>*^JwhhF"hZY^JwhLMNOUVXY]^_`cýö|t|tllthh@^Jhh@^Jhh@^Jhh@2^JhjeLhhCJaJhJhJ^JhJhh^JhJhh>*^Jwh hjeLhh hJ^J hh^Jhh>*@^Jwhhh>*@^Jwhhh>*@^Jwhhh>*^Jwhh$hXl^J)Md0]gdhd`dgds] dB gdhFd]F^dgds] d$gdhdd]^dgd>  ¼he'h$hh^J hX^JhX@^Jhh@^JhJ@^Jhh@^Jhh@^Jhh@^J hh^Jhh@^J,/R / =!<"d#p$% ,1h/ =!"#$% 9Dd 8V  S 2A?Picture 1R92,O)5kWXM8DF82,O)5kWXMJFIF``C     C   x" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?S(((((((((((((((((((((((((1\~)xG_HKr{x;o» W|V|_tӵgfՅ_iJ~ϛxc'4/zޟ \NVG#8dVO7.ui,[W%}Q,~Gg^"i2=Μ):XzbyǖGUl'$})s@#A5ET:vu]}kgH7EJvڕ!N3PϦckψ56M)̭#_|7vZ8ӯ"YU27CWMj2]M%Ҷ&;6?_%_|J2'C|C3lJ,yy#袊?@ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (WouK}'[e~&O_dޡdL2SXV命ҡ.ho~:/>"7lMfI>EkDݷ KwV28CW5*x _߳&o_ i+tveFk vlީ*ȽG2>fֺt\_(xk݉f(((((((((((((((((((2: '&woj/_Y5OClO'~uy;;oڊ*bj-0y|}s ^Cs.?J ~^4gCoj>'}yDߊV-ׂQXBszجKb!~x x^co2.ѭ/muھ^EkWI_\OdO*Imҧ9]܊&x_(ݱGjF4%mV,w5Z{o5%fDh"@R|^Zgaƞ>cbuvcXҵOAfu 6~춓O*+-*_Ÿ{Ǟ(5ɇ4xظUf_+u}?1KׂR-Ŝl_u %k_ Ymhw>LaSQ75PN?9 aqÒ'Z8"ߊ^ ҼK1A?F+d~؎g S,pkύo^׵Ӵ`mˣ6~Uatf#|@gþc$(>>䵅j >B-x^j! 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