00:29:31 Sarah O'Brien: Thank you joining us tonight. We will start the sound in the room shortly. 00:39:00 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: Thank you for joining us virtually. We will begin the meeting shortly. 00:41:55 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: Thank you joining us virtually. We will begin the meeting shortly. 00:42:20 Clairissa Simmons: Yes 🙂 00:46:41 Deanna Mercer: Thanks for the information on Martin and the modernization that was suppose to take place under he 2017 Bond. 00:47:28 Amanda Dudish: Thank you for speaking for Wooten, Clairissa. 00:49:51 Clairissa Simmons: Thank you for the time to speak. 00:51:37 April Clark: I lost my voice 00:51:39 April Clark: sorry folks 00:53:06 April Clark: The tiers we had developed was with the understanding that some of the schools might only need more of large scaled targeted 00:53:39 Deanna Mercer: Take care April. 00:55:37 Sally Blue: Thanks for this April! 00:56:32 Valerie Tyler - BSC: SORRY - couldnt hear Nadia comment. 00:57:41 Community Engagement: Can you hear now? 00:58:18 Valerie Tyler - BSC: Yes. Could hear ll except Nadia's comments. Thanks 00:58:25 Community Engagement: awesome 00:59:45 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: one more time please 01:00:09 April Clark: cant hear monty 01:00:43 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: ok thanks 01:00:53 Deanna Mercer: Thanks for the info on Mendez. It is AISD’d responsibility. The Charter is there under TEA rules that since AISD didn’t improve the school, an outside entity has been hired to do so. That ruling has been in effect and other schools have been turned around with that type of intervention. 01:01:37 Sally Blue: Do we have information/numbers on phased projects from the previous bond - ie what phase 2 or 3's we still have unfunded? Are they on our list? 01:03:49 Valerie Tyler - BSC: yes 01:04:02 Deanna Mercer: Do we have a surprise coming in the near future in regards to school closures including Martin, Mendez, Garcia and Sadler Means to provide students for the new Northeast Middle С»ÆѼµ¼º½? AISD needs to be up front! 01:04:13 April Clark: Based on online FCA scores this is what is listed for the schools on the screen 01:04:26 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: amen Deanna 01:04:32 April Clark: The numbers are different 01:04:36 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: wait is there a discrepancy between the numbers ? 01:05:23 April Clark: I should rephrase that not different but not the worst 01:05:24 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: ok thanks april 01:06:42 April Clark: Looks like the list changed from the original paper work did not have Bryker woods was not on there previously 01:06:51 Amanda Dudish: Sorry, there are other schools that are worse off but their FCA score doesn’t reflect that? 01:12:56 April Clark: Matias is that scenario costed - your preference? 01:13:43 Francisca Schindler: Highland Park? 01:13:45 April Clark: I cant talk so I am raising my hand for the question in chat 01:14:08 April Clark: got it 01:14:30 April Clark: One group 01:14:42 Laura Torres-BSC: one group 01:16:37 Clairissa Simmons: Can we get a definition of the list of campuses that are included as "every" for this? For example, I assume it doesn't double up where 2 schools share a campus, etc. 01:16:39 April Clark: QUESTION:would EECHS get bleachers with this? 01:18:56 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: I see online hands raised so I'll be sure we get to your questions. 01:21:07 Valerie Tyler - BSC: I have info not aquetsion 01:22:47 Francisca Schindler: the turf was donated by an Anderson family 01:25:00 Valerie Tyler - BSC: i believe anderson may be the only high school that has turf yet. 01:26:05 Valerie Tyler - BSC: anderson is not slated for. second field in this plan. 01:26:46 Valerie Tyler - BSC: lertme sprezk to the .li9ghts 01:26:58 Valerie Tyler - BSC: the new loights are not even noticebablre/ 01:28:28 Valerie Tyler - BSC: we had them for 3 weeks and I asked when they would be installed. :-) And they had been on for nights for 3 week. We worked closely with neighbors and Neighbors have been thrilled. 01:40:47 BSC: April Clark: How much is designated per school on the 127 million? how much will come out with modernizations? Assuming two or three campuses 01:41:26 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: second april's question 01:42:05 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: Thanks! I will be sure to ask that question out loud. 01:43:10 BSC: April Clark: roughly? 01:44:17 BSC: April Clark: Cant vote on the 127 until we know where it will end up 01:44:30 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: I agree its a lot 01:45:04 BSC: April Clark: Can we come back to this bucket once we know? 01:46:28 BSC: April Clark: Thank you Anastasia :) 01:47:41 Valerie Tyler - BSC: what about nelson baseball 01:48:07 Deanna Mercer: Yeah, Nelson does have baseball 01:50:10 Valerie Tyler - BSC: yes please clarify Cuilahuac queston in the future. I have the same concerns. 01:50:29 Valerie Tyler - BSC: Cuitlahuac - typing too fast 01:50:44 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: We have added that clarification to our parking lot. 01:51:25 Valerie Tyler - BSC: yes thank. you 01:52:24 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: lowered my hand sorry 01:52:45 Clairissa Simmons: When do we expect the mod list to be finalized? 01:53:22 BSC: April Clark: Question: I have a question about schools with new 6th grades. Is the intention that they are permanent? Will they move back to their home campuses like Martin? 01:55:16 BSC: April Clark: Fair 01:55:38 Deanna Mercer: Only if the district is planning to close Martin and Mendez 01:58:10 Adolphus Anderson: That is more complex to answer......Mende was not in the same situation as Martin 01:58:57 Deanna Mercer: Thanks for the info CG. 01:59:00 BSC: April Clark: good explanation 01:59:22 Adolphus Anderson: should be Houston, Rodriguez and Widen 01:59:35 BSC: April Clark: there are currently only 3 Elementary schools that have 6th grades 01:59:50 BSC: April Clark: now its 15 02:03:09 BSC: April Clark: I feel that we should invest the money in mendez and martin and move the 6th grades back 02:03:23 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: I like april's comment 02:04:51 Valerie Tyler - BSC: agree 02:05:00 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: what do you agree with Valerie? 02:05:17 Valerie Tyler - BSC: you and april 02:05:26 Valerie Tyler - BSC: and now nadia 02:06:00 Clairissa Simmons: I understand the desire to make things equitable for the 6th graders that were displaced, but unless we know the long term plans for where they will reside, it doesn't seem like a long term solution to build 6th grade specific rooms. Would it be possible to build/design them to be a flexible space if 6th grade left? 02:06:09 BSC: April Clark: Everything is bad about what is happening to the kids at Martin and Mendez, the question is do we invest in the schools they came from or the schools they are going to? 02:06:26 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: these are both very good points 02:07:07 BSC: April Clark: We cant really bucket these until we know what the bottom dollar is on any of these honestly. 02:07:20 Sally Blue: Agree with April 02:08:27 BSC: April Clark: When we say "bucket these" what does that mean? is that approval? 02:08:43 Adolphus Anderson: I agree with that last speaker.... 02:09:39 BSC: April Clark: Two points - Mathews likely does not have the space and Lee just got a brand new art wing. Not sure why its all the schools? 02:09:53 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: Andy, that's Valerie Turullols, who is representing district 2 and the long range planning committee co chair 02:10:09 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: not sure it does 02:10:13 Adolphus Anderson: Thanks...that's my district as well 02:10:32 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: that is a good questions, are Lee and Mathews in the 15 schools for VAPA 3? 02:11:00 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: We will be getting to the virtual comments and questions after Anastasia. 02:11:09 BSC: April Clark: That's what they do at Mathews 02:13:02 Clairissa Simmons: I need to sign off but thank you all for your work. 02:13:10 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: thank you for yoru comment 02:14:21 BSC: April Clark: I don't agree on any until we see the actual numbers 02:14:38 Elisabeth Wilborn: I happen to know (because I work there) that Lee did get a brand new art wing but it does not have facilities for band and orchestra. They practice in the hallway. 02:17:52 BSC: April Clark: Do we think we can build an auditorium at EECHS? I thought the property was maxed out? 02:20:15 BSC: April Clark: It is really difficult to understand what we are keeping until we know what we are dropping or keeping? can we assume everything is in the bucket until we know the number? 02:22:35 BSC: April Clark: CTE hubs was not a prioritized strategy 02:23:10 Deanna Mercer: Good point April regarding investing in Martin & Mendez feeder schools and Martin and Mendez 02:24:09 BSC: April Clark: There is a study for ADA from 2007 we have a strategy for that but universal design is an accessment 02:25:49 BSC: April Clark: can we cost investing CTE at existing campuses 02:28:06 BSC: April Clark: ADA requires a single elevator to get up Universal design requires multiple at different access points like multiple stairs you would have multiple elevators. 02:28:53 BSC: April Clark: On a new build it shouldn't be too much more just need to require it 02:31:25 BSC: April Clark: 100% agree pull cte hubs out and invest in the schools 02:34:19 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: what about pre-k and mental health services? 02:36:04 BSC: April Clark: Does the pre-k $ move them out of portables? 02:37:42 BSC: April Clark: I believe three committees had some sort of strategy for Mental Health spaces this should be higher it can go with the vestibules 02:42:53 BSC: April Clark: Agree with Nadia, cost the mental health strategy prioritization. 02:47:51 BSC: April Clark: Is it ADA as well? 02:49:31 BSC: April Clark: New construction its easy - retro fit is difficult on Universal Design 02:52:30 BSC: April Clark: that was my question 02:52:47 BSC: April Clark: We have many targeted improvement strategies 02:53:15 BSC: April Clark: We have strategies beyond full mods 02:55:28 BSC: April Clark: can we just look at our approved list of schools 02:57:45 BSC: April Clark: We approved 17 tier one schools last night 03:00:20 BSC: April Clark: Can you please email the spreadsheet 03:03:20 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: square footage used? 03:07:21 BSC: April Clark: can we request costing on strategies not listed? 03:10:41 BSC: April Clark: Can you give us the big number just for our tier 1? 03:12:51 BSC: April Clark: agree 03:13:12 BSC: April Clark: please email it out tonight 03:13:16 AISD - Sarah O'Brien: The cost for tier 1 modernizations is $1.279 B 03:13:46 BSC: April Clark: another meeting 03:14:13 BSC: April Clark: no i want it :) 03:14:36 Genevieve Dell: stay late 03:15:38 BSC: April Clark: we can all go online we do that with lpc 03:16:39 Cuitlahuac Guerra-Mojarro: it is our last chance for a first draft 03:17:18 BSC: April Clark: we need another meeting we really do 03:19:05 BSC: April Clark: Send it out with Tier 1 populated we talked about tier 2 as targeted imrovements 03:24:50 BSC: April Clark: save a copy Nevin :)