01:00:27 Deanna Mercer: Cannot understand speaker. Something is wrong with the mic. 01:00:43 Emily Sawyer: Ditto. Cannot understand. 01:01:14 Emily Sawyer: Hard to hear everyone 01:01:22 Erica Leak: Better 01:01:53 Ali Ghilarducci: I think it's the acoustics in the room 01:01:59 Erica Leak: But still hard to hear 01:02:22 Deanna Mercer: We still cannot understand ….breaking up. 01:02:22 Ali Ghilarducci: Most of the past rooms were in libraries with carpet 01:02:35 Emily Sawyer: Great 01:07:16 Stacey Smith: Thanks for public comment. Obviously I am upset. Appreciate the opportunity. 01:09:11 Emily Sawyer: Thanks for making hybrid an option. I know it’s a heavy lift, and I appreciate the effort and the opportunity to listen. 01:09:33 CE- Karla Rivera: Thank you Emily! And thank you for your patience folks 01:09:38 Laptop #2: Thank you for your patience! 01:10:00 Emily Sawyer: That works for me. 01:10:42 Emily Sawyer: Better, yes 01:11:00 Jamal Nelson: Here is the principal welcome video for us folks online! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlrjUbhyEJM 01:11:04 Ali Ghilarducci: We've tried to order better technology for these meetings and the equipment is back ordered for 90 days and they said some parts could be up to 6 month :( 01:19:36 Deanna Mercer: Those of us who are ZOOMing can not understand the speakers. The voice is animated. 01:20:53 Laptop #2: We'll have everyone move up to the front to speak moving forward - thank you for your patience. 01:21:31 Deanna Mercer: The voice is still choppy and hard to understand. 01:22:24 Deanna Mercer: Moving to the front didn’t fix the problem for us. 01:23:41 Laptop #2: Deanna, were you able to hear Frances when she was speaking earlier? 01:24:24 Deanna Mercer: Still choppy 01:24:51 Jamal Nelson: I’m sorry Deanna. As said the acoustics in the space can make it a bit hard to hear. 01:25:05 Deanna Mercer: Got it. Thanks. 01:25:18 Laura Torres-BSC: i'm probably only able to understand half of what was just said 01:25:39 David Contreras: I think they will need to be really close to the mic to really understand very clearly. Right now the voice is coming out watery sounds. 01:26:15 Ali Ghilarducci: Could the speaker sit next to the mic as they present? 01:27:25 Ali Ghilarducci: Wherever Eric is standing is a good spot 01:27:28 CE- Karla Rivera: Can you hear him? 01:27:57 Laura Torres-BSC: I can hear, just can't make out what is being said about half of the time 01:28:12 Kris Hafezizadeh: Not clear at all 01:28:41 Kris Hafezizadeh: better 01:28:53 Deanna Mercer: Great sound now 01:29:41 CE- Karla Rivera: Please let us know if you cannot hear them. I also recommend folks that you enable the closed captions on zoom. 01:36:44 Valerie Tyler-BSC Member: Del Valle already has a 3/4 field indoor just off the weight room. WE daw that on the FABPAC tour in 2019. The weight room and locker room is unbelievable. I can show you pictures and videos that took my breath away. 01:38:48 Valerie Tyler-BSC Member: please don’t take the time to share my chat comment. Just putting it here.for sharing. :-) 01:39:12 Laptop #2: Thanks, Valerie! 01:39:23 Jamal Nelson: Yes, thanks Valerie! 02:17:09 Monty Exter: Amen! 02:18:45 Ali Ghilarducci: I was at the Ed С»ÆѼµ¼º½ town hall and just about every teacher there brought up not feeling safe at school, this was about a week after uvalde but they brought up fencing and uvalde. I do think sense of safety can be beneficial for peace of mind 02:19:07 Ali Ghilarducci: Fencing and secure vestibules* 02:21:39 Lisa Flores: In order to have closed and locked doors, the HVAC system needs to work properly. 02:33:24 Lisa Flores: Will sped/ accessible buses be replaced? 02:35:04 Laptop #2: Thanks Lisa - we added this to our running list of questions. 02:36:33 Kris Hafezizadeh: all buses, general e d and sped are part of our replacement plan, 03:18:53 Lisa Flores: Special education is not a place. It is services 03:19:50 Lisa Flores: If you build segregated spaces- they will be filled. 03:37:34 Jamal Nelson: Can not hear the question 03:40:17 CE- Karla Rivera: Thank you for joining us