BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:Calendar of Events PRODID:-//Drupal iCal API//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240508T144746Z SUMMARY:2024 Critical Needs Career Fair DTSTART:20240601T194746Z DTEND:20240601T194746Z ORGANIZER:小黄鸭导航 ISD DESCRIPTION:We're so excited to have you join us for the 2024 Aus tin ISD Critical Needs Teacher Career Fair!  You will have the opport unity to meet campus Principals\, make connections\, and learn what it mea ns when you call 小黄鸭导航 ISD your home.  When: June 1\, 2024 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Where: Ann Richards 小黄鸭导航 For Young Women Leader s\, 2309 Panther Trail\, 小黄鸭导航\, TX  For individuals that meet the minimum hiring standards for 小黄鸭导航 ISD\, opportunities for Pre-H ire will be extended at this event.  Attendance at the Career Fair do es NOT guarantee a position. This event is open for current ly certified\, pending certification\, ACP candidates\, out-of-state certi fied teachers and/or individuals with a college degree interested in Caree r & Technology Education roles or emergency permits/District of Innovation opportunities. We highly encourage you to apply for a teacher position in advance of the Career Fair. You can view and apply for our openings for 2024-2025 here. Important information: *Bring a minimum of 10 copies o f your current resume to provide to campuses. On-site quick engagements wi ll be available with campuses/depts.; opportunities to interview will be e xtended to individuals where the campus has a confirmed vacancy; you may b ring a water bottle\, you may also consider bringing a light jacket/sweate r too.* LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T150015Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR